Professor für Wirtschaftspolitik und Direktor der Götz Werner Professur für Wirtschaftspolitik und Ordnungstheorie
Do 12:00-13:00 Uhr: nur nach vorheriger Anmeldung im Sekretariat
Vorlesungsfreie Zeit:
nach Vereinbarung und Anmeldung im Sekretariat
Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre
- Ordnungspolitik
- Konstitutionenökonomik und Sozialvertragslehre
- Politische Ökonomik wirtschaftspolitischer Reformen
- Ökonomik sozialer Gerechtigkeit
- Macht- und Konfliktökonomik
Curriculum Vitae
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- Penalties in the Theory of Equilibrium Tax Evasion: Solving King John’s Problem (with Gerald Pech), in: Public Finance Review 39 (2011), 5 ff.
- A Contribution to the Contractual Analysis of Public-Private Partnerships (with Sarah Jamil), in: Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services (ZöGU), Supplement 42 (2013), 21 ff.
- Could Exit Rules be Self-Enforcing in the EU? The Cases of France and Germany (with Robert Kappius), in: T. Krieger, B. Neumärker, D. Panke, Europe´s Crisis: The conflict-theoretical Perspective, Baden-Baden 2016, 35ff.
- Two-Level Reform Games in Greece (with Matha Kontodaimon) in: T. Krieger, B. Neumärker, D. Panke, Europe´s Crisis: The conflict-theoretical Perspective, Baden-Baden 2016, 67ff.
- Ordnungspolitik, Neuer Ordoliberalismus und Mainstream Economics [Constitutional Economic Policy, New Ordoliberalism, and Mainstream Economics], in: WISU 46 (2017), S. 830ff.
- Modelling the time allocation effects of basic income (with Ana Palermo Kuss), in: Basic Income Studies 13(2) (2018), 1ff.
- Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht [Universal Basic Income from a constitutional economics point of view], in: WISU 47 (2018), 324ff.
- Solidarity in Open Societies (Jörg Althammer, Bernhard Neumärker, Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer; Eds.), Springer Nature 2019.
- Why does Promoting Energy Efficiency not Contradict the Paradigm of Sustainability? A Normative Approach Using the Pareto Criterion (with Bianca Blum and Anja Simoneit), in: Philippe Hamman (Ed.), Sustainability Governance and Hierarchy, Routledge 2019, 83 ff.
- Lessons from Globalization and the COVID-19 Pandemic for Economic, Environmental and Social Policy (with Bianca Blum), in: World 2(2) (2021), 308-333.
- CO2-Bepreisung und soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland [Carbon Pricing and Social Inequality in Germany] (with Wolfgang Gründinger, Lena Bendlin, Felix Creutzig, Gregor Hagedorn, Claudia Kemfert, Barbara Praetorius and Mario Tvrtković), in: Momentum Quarterly 10 (2021), 176-187.
- Chances and barriers to European transnational collaboration in the development of a sustainable energy market: potentials in the Upper Rhine Region (with Nora Auguste Möller, Maximilian Hansmann, Dominik Schröder and Bianca Blum), in: Philippe Hamman (Ed.), Cross-Border Renewable Energy Transitions: Lessons from Europe’s Upper Rhine Region, London – New York (Rutledge) 2021, pp. 125-142.
- The political economy of a transnational and sustainable electricity market: the expansion of the trinational metropolitan Region Upper Rhine (TMO) (with Viola Nellessen, Dominik Schröder and Bianca Blum), in: Philippe Hamman (Ed.), Cross-Border Renewable Energy Transitions: Lessons from Europe’s Upper Rhine Region, London – New York (Rutledge) 2021, pp.143-168.
- UBI in Times of Crisis: The Net Basic Income: Discussing the Case of Germany (with Bianca Blum, Burhan Yalcin, Sema Yalcin), in: Journal for Markets and Ethics 9 (2021), 15-36.
- A Climate Alliance through Transfer: Transfer Design in an Economic Conflict Model (with Marcel Franke), in: World 3 (2022), 112-125.
- A Contractarian View on Homann’s Ethical Approach (with Lida Kuang, Marcel Franke, Clem Davies), in: Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics [ZfWU] 24 (2023), pp.125-149.
- Grundeinkommen braucht Europa – Europa braucht Grundeinkommen [Basic Income Need Europe – Europe Need Basic Income] (with Otto Lüdemann, Bernhard Neumärker, Ulrich Schachtschneider: Eds.), forthcoming LIT 2023.