Ordnungspolitisches Kolloquium (OPK)

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker

E-Mail: bernhard.neumaerker (at) vwl.uni-freiburg.de

Organization: Dr. Bianca Blum

Contact person for the program and registration.

E-Mail: bianca.blum (at) vwl.uni-freiburg.de


Series: during the lecture period
Day: Wednesday
Time: 08:30 – 10:00 Uhr
Room: Rempartstraße 16, R 03027


No ECTs can be earned. The participation serves the content-related further education of students and doctoral candidates.


The language depends on the participants: English or German.

Short describtion:

In the regulatory colloquium, young and prospective scientists can present the status of their research project to the GWP team. Both the preparation of a clear impulse presentation (~15min, between 3 and 7 slides) and the subsequent discussion (~15min) contribute to the deepening and scientific exchange at the GWP.